The County Fair

fair abbyI’ve lived in the suburbs for 13 years now, but I grew up in the country and in the country the county fair was a big deal.  Ours (in Adams County, Illinois) was not only a place to watch the demolition derby and enjoy some cotton candy, it was a stop for rising country artists early in their careers…people like the Garth Brooks of the world (though as much as still love the country…I never did like Country Music).

fair jackSo our family enjoyed going to the Lake County fair last night.  I always think it is an interesting mix of the country and the city.  Our kids had a blast walking through the animal barns and even getting a ride on some real ponies.  They did some games and rides and had the chance to watch part of the horse show in the arena.

We sat down to eat an elephant ear as a family during the horse show and this was a new experience for the kids.  Apparently I had played up the “elephant ear” concept a little too literally because as we were eating it, Jack looked at his mom and asked about a small hole in the middle of the huge piece of dough…saying, “Is that where they drained the blood out?”

That’s my son!

~ by Greg Lee on August 13, 2009.

3 Responses to “The County Fair”

  1. Dear Greg:

    After reading the fair blog, I thought I should send this recipe to you. Perhaps Jenny could prepare it sometime when she has a lot of extra time LOL

    Elephant Stew

    1 med sized elephant
    2 rabbits (optional)
    Salt and pepper

    Cut up the elephant into small bite sized pieces; this will take about three months. Add enough gravy to cover. Cook over a kerosene fire for about four weeks at 465 degrees. This will serve 3,800 people; however, if more are expected, the two rabbits may be added. Add the rabbits ONLY in an emergency, as most people do not like hare in their stew. I hope Jack likes this one!!!! 🙂

  2. thats awesome…..i love the innocent honesty that kids have. today the kids and i were making birthday cards for aaron and they were dictating what they wanted the inside of the card to read. ellies was super cute and to the point(kinda like she is) and aidans went like this……”daddy, even though we don’t get to see you everyday you are the best daddy and i just love you. i hope you get fired from your job so we can play all day long. you are my best friend and i love you!!!” how awesome is that….just alittle aidan bevan laugh out loud moment i thought i’d share with you:)

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